Are you considering having LASIK to improve your eyesight? Fall is a great time to finally schedule the procedure and change your life for the better!

LASIK can give you sharp, clear vision and significantly reduce your dependence on glasses and contact lenses. It’s a simple procedure that is virtually painless and only takes a matter of minutes.

You can make it even smoother by preparing beforehand with a few simple tips. Keep reading to learn more about 6 tips to have a laidback LASIK procedure this fall.

What is LASIK?

LASIK is a laser vision correction procedure that can reduce your reliance on glasses and contacts by helping you achieve clear vision. It corrects common refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism by reshaping the cornea with specialized lasers.

The procedure itself is quick, usually taking less than 30 minutes, and has a short recovery time, meaning you’ll be able to start enjoying your new vision just in time to participate in all kinds of fun fall activities. To make LASIK as comfortable as possible, you can follow these 6 tips to have a more laidback procedure:

1. Schedule Your Surgery on a Friday

You may think you need to take a lot of time off to have LASIK, but most patients are actually able to get back to their normal activities within just a day or two. The procedure is outpatient, so you go home the same day. 

However, to ensure you have a relaxing couple of days after LASIK, you may want to schedule your procedure for a Friday so you can take the weekend to relax. LASIK recovery is typically easy, and any discomfort should go away within a day or two.

Still, it’s best to relax and rest your eyes, especially on your first day after the procedure, so ensuring you have time to do so is a good idea. Of course, you can always take more than just a day off work if you have the PTO for it!

Giving yourself a few days to relax before getting back to work can ensure an easier, low-stress recovery.

2. Arrange Your Ride In Advance

You won’t be able to drive yourself home after LASIK, so you’ll need someone to drive you to and from your procedure. This person can also take you to your follow-up appointment the day after your procedure, which is when most patients are cleared to drive again.

You can always use a rideshare app for transportation, but it can be helpful to have a friend, partner, or family member who can keep you company before and after the procedure. They can also pick up the prescription eye drops needed for post-operative care.

3. Prepare Some Audio Entertainment

Playing some music while you wait in the lobby before your procedure can be relaxing. It’s also a great idea to have something to listen to right after LASIK, as you’ll want to rest your eyes for the first day as much as possible. 

It’s best to try to nap so your body has the energy it needs to recover. However, when you’re awake, listening to music, some of your favorite podcasts, or an audiobook you’ve been meaning to get around to is a great way to pass the time!

If you’re looking to get into the Halloween spirit this fall, Spotify has all kinds of great options for podcasts like Lore and the Last Podcast on the Left that discuss all things spooky!

4. Make Sure to Fuel Up on Food

Your body needs fuel to function and even more to recover after a procedure, no matter how minimally invasive. Be sure to eat a good, nutritious dinner the night before LASIK and a good breakfast the day of.

As fall marks the beginning of comfort food season, it’s the perfect time to get in your nutrients with a hearty bowl of soup or bake some pumpkin muffins for breakfast! You should have enough to feel comfortably full and drink plenty of water.

Right after the procedure, you probably won’t be able to prepare food for yourself as easily, as your vision may be slightly blurry. Keeping your body nourished is an essential part of the healing process, so make sure you have some food prepared in advance, have someone cook for you, or plan to get takeout. 

5. Dress Comfortably

On the day of your procedure, you should wear loose-fitting and comfortable clothes. This will make the process much more relaxed, and you won’t have to change when you get home.

Autumn is the perfect time to get cozy in a knit sweater or break out the fur-lined slippers to make your LASIK experience the comfiest it can be. You’ll also probably want to lie down and take a nap as soon as you get home, and if you’re already wearing comfortable clothing, you can do so right away!

6. Get Ready for Amazing Vision

LASIK can give you incredible vision, with many patients seeing visual improvements within 24 hours of their procedure! With a 96% satisfaction rate, LASIK has improved the lives of millions by giving them visual freedom.

However, you should talk to your LASIK surgeon about the specifics of the procedure so you have reasonable expectations. They can also determine whether you are a good candidate and recommend other options like the EVO ICL or PRK if you are not suited for LASIK.

When you undergo LASIK at Loden Vision Centers this fall, you can look forward to seeing the beautiful reds, oranges, and yellows of the trees in stunning clarity without the need for glasses or contacts. Imagine how much more fun it will be to attend a Halloween party with your friends, enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with your family, or take a scenic hike to see the gorgeous foliage with crystal-clear vision!

Are you ready to achieve clearer vision with LASIK this fall? Schedule an appointment at Loden Vision Centers in Nashville, TN, today! Why wait to experience the vision of your dreams?