
A cataract diagnosis can be frustrating at best, and downright scary at worst. When you are diagnosed with cataracts, a lot may run through your mind. “What caused this?”, “How will this affect my life?” and “Where do I go from here?”


By now, you’ve probably done a lot of research on the ins and outs of cataracts. But what about the not-so-common cataract facts? Here at Loden Vision Center, we are dedicated to ensuring our cataract patients are fully equipped with the knowledge and care they need. No more living in fear of the unknown!

Here at 3 things you probably didn’t know about cataracts (but definitely should!)

There Are Different Types of Cataracts

People generally just refer to cataracts as, well… “cataracts.” What most people don’t know is that there are a few types of cataracts. These different types of cataracts can affect your vision and surgery differently. The three main types of cataracts are called cortical, nuclear sclerotic and posterior subcapsular:

  • Cortical cataracts are characterized by white, wedge shaped opacities that form on the edge of the lens and work their way to the middle.
  • Nuclear sclerotic cataracts begin forming the the middle of the lens and work their way outward.
  • Posterior subcapsular cataracts form on the back of the lens.

Cataracts Can’t Be Prevented

When you were diagnosed with cataracts, you may have been wracking your brain, trying to find out what you could have done to cause this. Well, we’re here let you know that it isn’t your fault. Cataracts have no known prevention method, and while there are certain choices that can increase your risk of developing cataracts, they did not necessarily cause cataracts. Don’t beat yourself up about it!

While there are currently no known methods of prevention for cataracts, researchers are constantly working to determine the main causes of cataracts.

Vitamin C Deficiency and Cataracts May Be Related

Speaking of research, there is some indication that vitamin C deficiency may be related to cataract development. Thought vitamin C only fought colds? Think again! While a vitamin C rich diet still cannot prevent cataracts entirely, research shows that it may stop the progression or onset of cataracts significantly.

Here’s the catch – research found that vitamin C supplements did not have an effect on cataract development. This means that in order to reap the cataract-fighting benefits of vitamin C, you have to get it the old fashioned way. If you’re thinking “But I don’t like oranges!”, you’re in luck! Vitamin C is not exclusive to citrus. To get your daily fill of vitamin C, start incorporating the following fruits and veggies into your diet today:

  • ½ cup red peppers, raw (over 100% DV)
  • ½ cup broccoli, cooked (107% DV)
  • 1 cup kale, raw (134% DV)
  • ½ cup strawberries, raw (70% DV)

The great thing about this is that eating a healthier diet not only lowers your risk of cataracts, but also lowers your risk for a plethora of other eye related diseases! Your body (and eyes) will thank you.

Interested in learning more about cataracts? Are you looking for a skilled cataract surgeon in Tennessee? Look no further than Loden Vision Centers! With locations in Nashville, Gallatin, Goodlettsville, Paris, and Smyrna, we’re dedicated to providing Tennessee’s cataract patients with expert care. Contact one of our convenient Tennessee locations today to schedule your cataract surgery consultation!