5 Reasons LASIK Surgery is Worth It
Chances are, you’ve heard about LASIK. Most people have. However, some people still question the benefits of LASIK. Is it really safe? Does it work? Isn’t it really expensive? It’s a good thing to ask questions. Here at Loden Vision Centers, we are happy to answer any questions or concerns about LASIK you may have….
Read MoreLASIK Consultation: Why Are You Asking Me These Questions?
LASIK surgery is extremely popular, but (unfortunately) it isn’t for everyone. Before you can undergo LASIK surgery, you will have to meet certain criteria. This isn’t because we like to exclude people! If we could help everyone achieve 20/20 vision, we would. However, LASIK surgery is simply not safe for everyone. During your LASIK consultation,…
Read MoreAre Your Eyes Dry?: July is Dry Eye Awareness Month
by Emily Evans, O.D. Dry, itchy, burning, blurry…Sound familiar? You may have Dry Eye Disease. It’s important to stay hydrated, right? We all know the recommendation, six to eight 8 ounce glasses of H2O per day. We carry around our water bottles and make sure to refill. So why aren’t we as concerned about hydrating…
Read More5 Ways to Combat Cataracts (Before You Get Them)
It’s common to think that cataracts are a fact of life, but that isn’t necessarily the case. While yes, some people end up with cataracts no matter what they do, others can avoid them with some lifestyle changes. Follow these simple tips to reduce your chances of getting cataracts. Not only will these tips make…
Read MoreAll You Have to Do is Look Up!
by David O. Carrico, OD The 2017 Solar Eclipse: Important Eye Safety UPDATE: Loden Vision Eclipse Safety Glasses are out of Stock We have given away over 10,000 pairs of safety glasses for the eclipse in less than two weeks! Unfortunately, our supply has run out at all locations. The turnout was phenomenal and we are so…
Read MoreWhat Exactly Happens During LASIK?
LASIK eye surgery is a good choice for people who are nearsighted, farsighted or have astigmatism. While some people are ready to get the procedure as soon as they hear that it can treat their conditions, others want a little more information before moving forward. Check out what you can expect during LASIK surgery. This…
Read More5 Fast Facts about Cataracts
No one likes to learn that they have cataracts. Being nervous is normal, but many people don’t even know where to start. We encourage you to take a minute to learn about cataracts. These facts will help you understand what to expect moving forward and, once informed, you will even look forward to getting them…
Read MoreProtecting Your Eyes After LASIK: Are Your Sunglasses Doing the Job?
by Dr. Kathryn Barberic, OD Summer is on its way! Choosing the best protection after LASIK: Are you wearing the right pair of sunglasses? Spring is finally here, thank goodness, and summer is right around the corner. Along with the warmer weather comes a lot more fun in the sun- fishing outings, trips to the…
Read MoreThe PRK Experience
by Dr. Katie Mills, MD Medical training traditionally dictates that one doesn’t operate on a family member. When my husband needed a touch up on his refractive surgery I thought I would ignore that credo and take matters into my own hands- both an as exercise in self-awareness as a surgeon and an opportunity to…
Read MoreLASIK Surgery: You Have Questions, We Have Answers
Deciding to get LASIK is a big decision, and you want to be as informed as possible before you make it. The right information will help you decide if you want to move forward with the surgery. Check out some answers to these common LASIK questions and get one step closer to making your decision!…
Read MoreVirtual LASIK Consult
In-Office LASIK Consult
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