What Did Myopic People Do Before Glasses or LASIK?


You probably know quite a few people who live with nearsightedness, or myopia. Maybe you even have it yourself! What many people don’t know is that myopia is increasing at an alarming rate. In fact, it is estimated that roughly 4.7 billion people will be myopic by 2050. That’s right – BILLION. That’s almost half…

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5 More LASIK Facts You Should Know


LASIK surgery is actually one of the most common elective procedures worldwide. It is used as an option to treat vision problems and has been approved since the mid-90’s. 80 percent of adults in the United States are candidates for LASIK surgery. Have you ever thought about getting LASIK surgery but something held you back?…

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Why Halloween and Your Glasses Aren’t Friends


During October, many people painstakingly curate items over the month that will become their perfect, award-winning Halloween costume. After all of that hard work, what a shame it would be to have to wear glasses to see, effectively breaking the illusion that you actually are Bram Stoker’s Dracula. (Everyone knows Dracula didn’t need glasses, you…

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Are Cataracts Really Unavoidable?


No one wants to hear those three, short words: “You have cataracts”. Yet, it is more likely than not that you will hear those three words at some point during your life. You may have heard before that developing cataracts is just as much a part of life as developing wrinkles and age spots. But…

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Pre-LASIK Questions: “What is a Laser?”


Thinking about LASIK surgery? We get it, there are a lot of questions. Aside from the common questions like “will it hurt?” or “how much does it cost?” there is a lot that people don’t ask about LASIK and how it works. You’ve heard all of these buzzwords and plenty of medical jargon, such as…

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3 Cataract Facts You (Probably) Didn’t Know


A cataract diagnosis can be frustrating at best, and downright scary at worst. When you are diagnosed with cataracts, a lot may run through your mind. “What caused this?”, “How will this affect my life?” and “Where do I go from here?” By now, you’ve probably done a lot of research on the ins and…

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4 Beautiful Places in Tennessee That Are Better After LASIK


Here at Loden Vision Centers, we take pride in our state and it’s beautiful sights. But, let’s face it, sight-seeing when your sight isn’t so clear is not ideal. To really process every detail of our amazing state, we suggest starting with crystal-clear vision. We want you to take it all in! That’s why we…

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Answers to Your Most Burning Cataract Questions


It’s normal to feel a little overwhelmed when you’re diagnosed with cataracts. However, your cataract treatment should not feel stressful. Cataract surgery is the only treatment for cataracts, but has come a long way since it was first performed. Here at Loden Vision Centers, we believe knowledge is the best way to give our patients…

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